Quantcast Vegetarian StarMike Tyson “ABC News” Interview–Vegan Better Than Ear With BBQ Sauce

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson‘s interview with ABC News is weighted heavily on his vegan diet and the benefits he’s gained both physically and psychologically since adopting it.

Tyson doesn’t plan to return to meat anytime soon, as it probably taste just like the ear he bit off Holyfield years ago.

That particular piece of meat, in Tyson’s words “really sucked and stuff.”

“Cause if you watch the fight, as soon as I did it I spit it right out, instantaneously like [chewing and spitting sound.]” he continued. “It was really disgusting. [Many years later]Holyfield gave me some of his barbeque sauce because he’s a barbeque guy. And I was telling him his ear would have tasted a lot better if he used some of that barbeque sauce.”

Read less gross details of the interview, including more about the vegetarian items Tyson puts barbeque sauce on these days at ABC News.

Photo: Eduardo Merille/Creative Commons

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