Quantcast Vegetarian StarGwyneth Paltrow Shares Health Tips And Detox Drink With Dr. Oz

Gwyneth Paltrow Dr. Oz

Gwyneth Paltrow was a guest on The Dr. Oz Show this week where she shared some of her favorite tips for good health as well as a few recipes from her latest cookbook, It’s All Good.

Multiple health scares in her family have motivated her to live a life as natural as possible, including eating more plant-based meals and using food as medicine.

For example, Paltrow likes to begin her day with a few drops of grapefruit-seed extract and warm water because she believes this boosts digestion.

To prevent illness, she likes using oil of oregano, which contains many antifungal and antibacterial properties.

On the show, Paltrow made her Cucumber, Basil and Lime Juice drink touted for its detox properties.

Grab the recipe for it at Dr. Oz.

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