Quantcast Vegetarian StarIditarod Tragedy Makes PETA Urge For Charges Filed Advertisers Removed


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has spoken against a recent tragedy that occurred during Alaska’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

A five year old dog named Dorado was dropped from the race due to lack of performance. He was buried alive in drifting snow, the cause of death cited as asphyxiation.

“It’s a horrifying death, and we feel it was totally preventable,” PETA cruelty caseworker Kristin Simon said.

According to PETA, at least 20 dogs used in the 1,000-plus-mile Iditarod have died just since 2005. On average, more than half the dogs who start the race don’t make it across the finish line, and 81 percent of those who do finish sustain lung damage.

The animal rights group is asking prosecutors to file charges against those involved with Dorado’s negligence and death. It is also petitioning advertisers to withdraw sponsorship.

District Attorney John Earthman made a statement responding to the request to file charges:

“I believe I recognize their issue, which I believe is that somebody committed criminal negligence by leaving this dog out in the winter weather in western Alaska,” he said. “Whether someone can be successfully prosecuted for that, you know, I couldn’t tell you. That remains to be seen.”

Photo: Frank Kovalchek/Creative Commons

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