Quantcast Vegetarian StarPope Jorge Mario Bergoglio Liked Eco-Friendly Transportation

Jorge Mario Bergoglio

The Popes are getting more and more environmentally friendly these days.

Pope Benedict XVI spoke at the Vatican’s annual World Day of Peace encouraging people to practice ecological responsibility while advancing with technology.

And now, newly elected Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been reported to have favored a simple life, using public transportation versus a personal vehicle.

From a USA Today article:

“Despite being Argentina’s top church official, Bergoglio never lived in the ornate church mansion in Buenos Aires, preferring a simple bed in a downtown room heated by a small stove. For years, he took public transportation around the city and cooked his own meals.”

In a speech titled, “If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation,” Bergoglio’s predecessor Benedict said:

“Technologically advanced societies must be prepared to encourage more sober lifestyles, while reducing their energy consumption and improving its efficiency,” while preparing “sustainable strategies to satisfy the energy needs of the present and future generations.”

In addition to eliminating poverty and promoting social justice, we hope Pope Bergoglio continues to advocate a more environmentally friendly lifestyle for the world.

Photo: Aibdescalzo/Creative Commons

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