Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jenna Dewan Tatum On Global Captive Breeders Victims

Jenna Dewan Tatum

“As an expectant mother, I was particularly heartbroken to see photos of ailing mother rats with open wounds on their bodies who stood guard protectively over their dead or dying babies in the filthy plastic tubs that they were confined to without access to adequate food, water, or even moderately fresh air to breathe… Justice must be served for the unspeakable suffering endured by countless animals at GCB.”

Jenna Dewan Tatum, on the results investigators uncovered about abuse of reptiles and rats at Global Captive Breeders LLC (GCB). Thousands have signed the petition urging Riverside County, California, District Attorney Paul Zellerbach to file felony cruelty charges against those responsible at the pet store.

Photo: Peabody Awards/Creative Commons

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