Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Biggest Loser” Sunny Loves Portobello Mushroom Pizza

Biggest Loser Sunny

The Biggest Loser has been tackling a growing problem in America today–child and adolescent obesity.

Some teens on the hit reality TV series have gotten some great nutrition and fitness advice from Jillian and the crew, including Sunny, who learned on an episode she was guilty of occasional “carbotarianism.”

Sunny told Reality Wanted:

“Well, when I started The Biggest Loser… my whole family is vegetarian. It’s hard to believe because you wouldn’t think that would lead to how healthy we were. It turned out we were carbotarians. By adding protein and fresh fruits and vegetables into my diet, I feel better and it’s helped to make me feel healthier.”

One of Sunny’s favorite vegetarian foods is vegetarian pizza. She loves topping her own with lots of mushrooms.

“I really love portobello mushroom pizza! That’s probably one of my favorites. It’s something I can have for dinner or lunch. By using mushrooms, low fat cheese, and yummy vegetables, it’s a really great recipe.”

Looking for a portobello mushroom pizza recipe that’s the biggest winner? Start with this basic combination at the Fit Flexitarian, a blog about weight loss and mostly vegetarian eating.

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