Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Italian Baked Eggplant With Seitan

Martha Stewart Italian Baked Eggplant With Seitan

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 8th, 2013 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

Meatless Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart has tickled her vegetarian fans pink with her latest cookbook, Meatless: More Than 200 of the Very Best Vegetarian Recipes.

Stewart is no stranger to seitan, a simple high protein meat alternative made from gluten flour and a few basic seasonings.

She invited Twitter co-founder and vegan Biz Stone to her show to cook seitan bourguignon and now one of America’s most popular chefs has created her own dish: Italian Baked Eggplant with Seitan.

Stewart’s eggplant seitan puts a different twist on dairy eggplant Parmesan.

Seitan is combined with breadcrumbs and nutritional yeast to give a “cheesy” flavor.

The combination is then layered between eggplant, spinach and tomato sauce for a hearty, healthy casserole that yields almost 20 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber per serving.

Try Stewart’s Italian Baked Eggplant with Seitan tonight and pick up a copy of Meatless soon.

Italian Baked Eggplant with Seitan

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