Quantcast Vegetarian StarNe-Yo Drops Vegan Diet That’s Not For The Weak

Ne-Yo Drops Vegan Diet That’s Not For The Weak

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 7th, 2013 in Food & Drink, Male Singers, pescatarian.

Ne Yo

Ne-Yo has given his vegan diet the boot.

In a series of recent Tweets, the singer revealed that he added fish to his diet because he hasn’t been able to keep up his energy levels.

But he was able to keep it up for a month.

“Love for all the vegan support but I had to bring back fish. JUST FISH. Need the protein for the way I move. Lasted 35 days tho (sic)! victory.”

Unlike some celebrities who will drop the diet and bash it, Ne Yo continues to respect vegans and is thankfully not using social or any other media to make remarks on how a veggie burger tastes like cardboard in comparison to one from a cow.

Even better, Ne Yo thinks vegans aren’t wimps!

“MUCH RESPECT to all vegans out there!! That lifestyle is NOT for the weak!! Thanx (sic) for supporting me on my journey.”

Photo: Robin Wong/Creative Commons

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