Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Goes Crazy With Mac And Cheese

Lea Michele Goes Crazy With Mac And Cheese

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 10th, 2013 in Actresses, Business, Food & Drink.

Lea Michele Cory Monteith

Lea Michele gave US Weekly a glimpse into her vacation with boyfriend Cory Monteith.

The two resided at the Big Island’s Mauna Lani Bay Hotel in Hawaii and spent their time kayaking and swimming.

Given their adventure involved so much outdoor exercise, it’s no surprise the vegetarian actress had no restraints on eating, as US Weekly reported she ate “whatever” during the trip.

This is probably her motto in life in general, as she told the magazine, “I think that you should just do what makes you happy and take good care of yourself,” Michele said. “I’m a pretty healthy eater as it is, so going crazy for me is like eating some Annie’s vegan Macaroni and Cheese.”

A quick look at Annie’s Homegrown site doesn’t reveal the company makes any vegan macaroni and cheese dishes, but it does specialize in many other pastas, including gluten-free.

Could she have meant Amy’s?

If you are looking for a vegan snack from Annie’s, there are bunny grahams, fruit snacks and several dressings, sauces and condiments.

Photo: SMicheleL/Creative Commons

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