Quantcast Vegetarian StarObama Signs Law Against Military Use Of Animals For Training

Barack Obama

President Obama has signed a law that will require the Department of Defense to create new ways to train military members without the use of real animals.

The goal is to replace live animals with simulators that mimic humans as closely as possible.

The change comes after a highly publicized story of goats that were used during one training exercise.

The animals were stabbed, their limbs broken and their organs were pulled out.

Some personnel who performed these acts were cited for animal welfare violations.

Changes to policies have already been made to replace real animals with artificial organisms in some military laboratories.

Some estimates have placed the number of animals used in these experiments or training at around 10,000 per year.

Most NATO nations use non-animal methods for training military.

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2 Responses to “Obama Signs Law Against Military Use Of Animals For Training”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    This is a huge and positive development for animals.

  2. Jeanette greelish Says:

    If I were an American citizen , i would vote for
    U for making such a great decision for these
    Poor unfortunate helpless animals
    Bless you