Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelly Osbourne Credits Vegan Chef Boyfriend For Weight Loss

Kelly Osbourne Credits Vegan Chef Boyfriend For Weight Loss

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 27th, 2012 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne is 60 pounds slimmer and says she owes it all to her vegan boyfriend and chef Matthew Mosshart.

‘Over the past two years, I’ve lost over four-and-a-half stone (63 pounds) – but I’ve only lost the last stone since I met Matthew,” Osbourne said. “That’s because he cooks for me! He’s a vegan chef, so he makes sure that I eat healthily.”

According to an article at MSN, Osbourne has traded her previous lifestyle of meat, dairy and fast food for fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Mosshart, said to be known for his non-measuring, “swing-it” style of cooking is also known for getting exercise while earning his paycheck.

“You have to knead it and then let it rise, then beat it down and let it rise, and then beat it down again,” he said about making whole-wheat pizza dough. “It’s a full-body workout.”

Photo: Toglenn/Creative Commons

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