Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Clinton Good Publicity For Vegetarian Food Says Quorn

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton has the potential to bring lots of positive attention to the vegetarian and vegan diet and lifestyle, according to a leading producer of meatless products.

Quorn, launched in the U.S. in 2002, has written a statement on the former president’s diet he adopted to combat heart issues he was facing.

“When someone who is a high profile figure like Bill Clinton, it brings a lot of good attention to vegetarianism and lets people know its a good thing,” said Quorn representative David Wilson. “Quorn Food products offer recipes and meat alternatives that can aid people in their vegetarian diets, new and old.”

Quorn offer several vegetarian products ranging from faux beef and chicken, such as the tenders, cutlets and grounds, to already created entrees such as CHIK’N & TOMATO ROASTED CORN SALSA BURRITO, KUNG PAO CHIK’N and SPAGHETTI & MEATLESS BALLS.

Check out Quorn products, company information, recipes and more at Quorn.

Photo: Roger H. Goun/Creative Commons

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