Quantcast Vegetarian StarGood Charlotte Benji Joel Madden KFC “Good Times” Campaign (Video)

Good Charlotte brothers Benji and Joel Madden have signed on for a campaign with KFC.

This may come as a surprise, considering the brothers were previously involved with PETA campaigns and at least member of the group professed to be vegetarian.

In a 2009 interview on YouTube, Benji appeared to have easily seduced by the lifestyle.

“I had no idea. I was one of those people going ‘Why are you vegetarian, that’s stupid’ all of a sudden I realised what I was going on. I was, like, wow, sign me up.”

In a recent Tweet, however, brother Joel denied he has ever been a vegetarian.

Both Maddens were involved in a Denny’s campaign where they were filmed making vegetarian Boca breakfast items.

Maybe a vegetarian chicken sandwich is in the making?

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