Quantcast Vegetarian StarHayden Panettiere Gives Up Vegetarian Diet

Hayden Panettiere Gives Up Vegetarian Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 27th, 2012 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.

Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere is now listed under the category of celebrities with an excuse to quit vegetarianism lamer than one of their bombed box office flicks.

The actress claims the diet made her tired, forcing her to add animal products in her meals.

Hayden told Self Magazie, “I tried vegetarianism, but my body didn’t respond well… I used to run an hour every day… (but) my body shut down. I was low-energy.”

“Now I make egg-white scrambles with veggies for breakfast. For lunch, I have chicken or fish and greens, which are good for keeping your system working. I’m a fan of sushi for dinner, as long as the fish aren’t endangered… I can’t be full on a salad.”

While Vegetarian Star applauds her decision for at least trying to consume more sustainable seafood, it can’t help but wonder if she can be a Hero to all animals–endangered or not–and get her energy from plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, beans and lentils.

Photo: Ewen Roberts/Creative Commons

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