Quantcast Vegetarian StarTwinkie And Hostess Demise Result Of Healthier Eating?

Twinkie And Hostess Demise Result Of Healthier Eating?

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 23rd, 2012 in Business, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Hostess Twinkies

Hostess Brands Inc., the maker of sugary-filled sweets such as Ho-Hos, Ding-Dongs and of course, the omnipresent Twinkie, is planning to shut its doors for good.

America is nowhere near earning the nickname of the “health foodie state,” but could it be that the fall of the Twinkie empire is due to people simply changing their habits and wanting to eat better?

The East Valley Tribune has a feature where a former Twinkie lover explains why she no longer picks up her box.

“I used to eat them as a kid, but not anymore,” said Sadie Davis, 28, of Tempe, Arizona. Davis is now a vegan and was heading to shop at an organic, natural food store after her interview.

But even a staunch vegan is sure to miss something they grew up with, and Davis admits it’s “weird” to not see them on the shelves as it brings on nostalgia.

Fran Costigan has a recipe for vegan Twinkies from her book More Great Good Dairy-Free Desserts Naturally.

The cream filling features a soft tofu/vegan white chocolate/maple and agave syrup combination that is sure to mimic and even outdo the original, bringing back all those great memories of saving your lunch money for an after school trip to the store in secrecy when mom thought you were actually eating vegetables.

Photo: Larry D. More/Creative Commons

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