Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Honored As Harper’s Bazaar Designer Of Year

Stella McCartney Honored As Harper’s Bazaar Designer Of Year

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 7th, 2012 in Fashion.

Stella McCartney has been crowned British Designer of the Year by Harper’s Bazaar magazine in its Women’s of the Year awards held at London’s Claridge’s Hotel.

In addition to her seasonal clothing, sunglasses and perfume lines, Stella has designed the official uniforms for Great Britain for the 2012 Olympics and created a clothing line for Adidas.

Stella cited the Olympic project as one of her most challenging.

‘I did get very involved, mentally as well as physically, and got emotionally drained. So much work went into it, more than I can imagine now.”

A longtime vegetarian like the rest of the McCartney family, Stella adheres to strict ethical standards for her lines, refusing to use leather and fur in any of them. She also donates proceeds from a few of her garments to the McCartney Meat-Free Monday campaign, a movement designed to encourage people to eat vegetarian for one day a week to lessen the impact of the livestock industry on the environment.

Photo: PR Photos

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