Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoan Jett Unveils New PETA Pro-Vegetarian Ad

Joan Jett Unveils New PETA Pro-Vegetarian Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 6th, 2012 in Female Musicians, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Joan Jett PETA

Recently nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame musician Joan Jett took some time to unveil an ad for a cause she loves as much as rock and roll.

“I am Joan Jett and I am a vegetarian,” features the former Runaways Jett posed in traditional black rocker attire next to the message about how vegetarianism benefits man, animals and the earth.

“A meatless diet saves animals from suffering, combats environmental destruction and is better for my health.”

Jett adopted a vegetarian diet after reading Diet for a New America by John Robbins.

“If there’s anything I love more than rock ‘n’ roll, it’s animals,” Jett said, referencing to her famous 80s hit.

Other celebrities who attended the event included Iggy Pop and television host Marco Antonio Regil.

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