Quantcast Vegetarian StarWorld’s Oldest Couple Cite Vegetarian Diet As One Success Secret

World's Oldest Couple

Meet 107-year old Karam and his 100-year old wife Katari Chand.

They are listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as being married for 87 years, the longest any couple has been wed.

Together they have 8 children and 28 grandchildren and attribute both a long, happy marriage and a long life to a vegetarian diet.

Wife Katari said, “When I was young I used to make him a nice fresh meal every night. We are vegetarian so I brought lots of fresh vegetables and made sure he was eating healthy food.”

“Health is very important and I wanted to look after him so we could grow old together. Some would say it has worked!”

Katari said one of Karam’s favorite foods is an Indian flatbread called chappati, saying she always generously shared pieces of her portions with him, something that kept him happy and her “a bit slimmer.”

Traditional chapatti is simple to create and can be made with atta flour, which is found in many Indian supermarkets, or simply with whole wheat flour.

Why not try either baking some fresh in your kitchen and toast this evening’s dinner to many years of nuptial bliss and health between you and your partner.

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