Quantcast Vegetarian StarJordana Brewster Shuns Red Meat Fur Still Learning About Leather

Jordana Brewster

Jordana Brewster is a celebrity who is evolving in terms of her cruelty-free ethics.

Although not a full-time vegetarian, she’s given up some meat, admitting her love of animals is partially the reason.

“I don’t eat red meat because it started grossing me out and I love animals. But I eat as many greens and vegetables and whole grains [as I can],” the Dallas star said.

And although she wouldn’t be caught anywhere in another animal’s “hair,” she doesn’t have a problem wearing its skin.

“I like leather a lot,” she told PEOPLE.

“I won’t rock fur,” she explained. “That I do no more!”

Ironically, Brewster revealed these details at a Stand Up To Cancer benefit. Most vegetarians know a plant-based diet may ward off the disease. But contributing to the leather industry may contribute to the poor health of workers in these factories, including cancer development.

It’s been shown that chemicals used in the leather making process may contribute to cancer. People living near these factories are more likely to develop it, and workers in these factories have higher risks than those in other industries.

Brewster has made us proud by removing red meat and fur from her life. Now it’s time for her to stand up to leather by avoiding these products to help make another contribution to the fight against cancer.

Photo: JordanaBrewsterMarch09.jpg/Creative Commons

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