Quantcast Vegetarian StarJeff Mauro “Sandwich King” Choose Vegan Coffee Drink At Fair

Jeff Mauro “Sandwich King” Choose Vegan Coffee Drink At Fair

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 15th, 2012 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Jeff Mauro

Jeff Mauro won season 7 of Food Network Star and is now host of his own food show, Sandwich King.

Mauro was a judge for the Illinois State Fair coffee beverage where he and several other judges named Maureen Squires of Springfield, the 2nd place winner with her vegan Seattle’s Best Almond Joy drink.

The drink consisted of, “almond milk, cold-brew coffee and cream of coconut in the vegan drink, which was topped with a homemade Almond Joy bar.”

“I’ve been experimenting for the past month. My kitchen had coconut everywhere,” said the 2nd place winner.

Mauro, who developed a drink himself for Seattle’s Best Coffee, is fine judging caffeinated beverages, but said his home will always be with sandwiches.

“I’ll never get sick of sandwiches. Every bite is a source of inspiration,” he said.

And now that he’s had the chance to learn how good a vegan drink it, maybe he’ll be inspired to make a veggie wrap soon.

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