Quantcast Vegetarian StarJustin Theroux–Jennifer Aniston Fiance–Is Vegetarian

Justin Theroux–Jennifer Aniston Fiance–Is Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 13th, 2012 in Actors, Couples, Food & Drink.

Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston‘s man likes his chicks–but not in his mouth.

Justin Theroux, actor from films such as Mulholland Dr. (2001) and Inland Empire (2006), is a vegetarian who, apparently, has been trying to coax his sweetheart into following his lead.

Last year, the couple apparently hit a rock after Jennifer refused to eat vegetarian.

“Jen’s romance has already hit rough water, and she’s desperately hoping they can overcome these new problems,” a source said. “Once Justin split from Heidi, he became practically glued to Jen’s side. In no time at all, he had moved in and began to monitor her every move with nonstop texts and cells calls. But what’s really bugging Jen is Justin’s constant nagging about becoming a vegetarian – like he is.”

While his vegetarian diet is certainly the most exciting  fact about him, there’s amazingly more to Theroux than his turkey-hating.

Read more at Eonline.

Photo: David Shankbone

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