Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Coughlin Takes On Fava Bean Hummus

Natalie Coughlin Takes On Fava Bean Hummus

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 31st, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Natalie Coughlin

Natalie Coughlin, USA Olympic swimmer who follows a mostly plant-based diet, enjoys making a Moroccan spread that is very similar to hummus with chickpeas or garbanzo beans.

“I love fava beans. I really like making a hummus with fava beans, and that’s actually one of the things I grow in my garden. I love eating the leaves and the beans.”

Hummus made from fava beans is technically called bessara. Bessara is thinner than traditional hummus made from chickpeas or garbanzo beans and is often more suited as a soup than a dip.

If canned fava beans aren’t available and you’re starting from scratch, you’ll want to soak them overnight before pureeing and mixing with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil for a tasty treat meant to be served warm.

Grab a basic recipe for bessara at about.com.


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