Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Nora Ephron “Heartburn” Vinaigrette

heartburn Nora Ephron

Nora Ephron‘s recent passing has generated a lot of press in her memory. The journalist, author and script writer known for box office hits like When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle was also an amateur chef.

At the end of each chapter of her book Heartburn, the story of a relationship between a cookbook author protagonist and her Watergate journalist husband Carl Bernstein, Ephron would include a recipe.

The best thing about homemade salad dressings is you know exactly what’s in them. No artificial ingredients. No anchovies. No other hidden meat, dairy or other animal ingredients that make a vegan salad anything but.

Ephron’s Vinaigrette from Heartburn is so simple, you may not even need to write it down.

“Mix 2 tablespoons Grey Poupon mustard with 2 tablespoons good red wine vinegar. Then, whisking constantly with a fork, slowly add 6 tablespoons olive oil, until the dressing is thick and creamy.”

Susan Orlins at Home Goes Strong recommends this dressing with greens like arugula, watercress and endive, which balance out its strong flavor.

She also likes it  with “less mustard.”

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