Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Eat and Run” On Indonesian Cabbage Salad With Red Curry Almond Sauce

Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek‘s latest book about his life that is consumed by running on the trails or cooking vegan in the kitchen, Eat and Run, made the New York Times best-seller list.

It also happens to be popular on Amazon, ranking near the top 100 of books totally and taking leads in the categories of Track and Field, Individual Sports and Running and Jogging.

Guess people can’t get enough of those delicious recipes like Indonesian Cabbage Salad with Red Curry Almond Sauce.

This particular recipe was “tested” and approved by a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette journalist who happened to also score an interview with the vegan runner.

“Books about nutrition can be boring, but Jurek is a talented storyteller, weaving his discovery of the vegan lifestyle into an inspiring tale of how a skinny, poor kid who had everything stacked against him — including a mother who couldn’t walk for most of his life — learned not just to adapt, but to draw strength from life’s difficulties,” writes the Post-Gazette.

There’s nothing boring about vegetables like bok choy, cabbage and red pepper, tossed together with herbs like cilantro. Sunflower seeds provide added protein and a distinctive crunch. Ditch the pre-made sauces from the grocery store shelf–which often are high in sodium–for a homemade version using almond butter and red curry paste.

You can eat it and run–or just take a seat on the couch and enjoy this sample recipe from Jurek’s book at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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