Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Wild Mushroom Risotto Takes The Checkered Flag

Photo: Phil Cavali

Leilani Munter is NASCAR’s green star.

A vegetarian with a background in Biology, she’s well aware of the consequences of meat consumption on the environment and is always doing her part to campaign for more eco-friendly lifestyles, such as her campaigns to get renewable fuels into race cars and recycling tubs at every track.

She’s now getting ready to promote Meatless Monday to her fans.

She’s sure to win more over with her Wild Mushroom Risotto, featured in the July/August issue of the Humane Society of the United State’s All Animals magazine.

“The goal of my race car this year is that every time I hit the track, I’m addressing a different issue,” Munter aid.

“I feel like that’s a doable thing for anyone on the planet. … And then I can only hope that Meatless Mondays starts to pour over into their other days of the week—once they see how great vegetarian and vegan food is.”

This one speeds past all other rice dishes. Catch the recipe if you can at the Humane Society’s website.

Photo: Phil Cavali

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