Quantcast Vegetarian StarScott Jurek Re-Run Incan Porridge Recipe

Scott Jurek Re-Run Incan Porridge Recipe

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 20th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Eat & Run Scott Jurek

We’ve been told too many times by mom and everyone else that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do we ever get any good advice for meal ideas besides the same old vegan pancakes or tofu scramble? (Not that those aren’t  tasty. It’s just that after three months of either breakfast, you might crave a change.)

Long distance running champion Scott Jurek has a favorite porridge recipe he makes using quinoa.

A spin-off of traditional oatmeal, quinoa replaces oats and is stewed in non-dairy almond milk and garnished with both fresh and dried fruit.

From Jurek’s latest book, Eat and Run:

Quinoa is one of the first grains humans ever cultivated and used in cooking. It has a dense, earthy flavor and is one of the few grains with all nine essential amino acids, so it’s perfect for a dish like porridge – hearty, basic, and satisfying in an almost primal way. When I learned about quinoa, it helped me appreciate the many ancient foods and cultures that could enrich my life, if only I made room for them. Make it the night before, so you can warm it up to eat before a long morning run. A great mixture of carbs, protein, and fat, this porridge is sweetened with fruit and cinnamon. Replace the vanilla with almond or hazelnut extract for a nutty variation.

Grab Jurek’s recipe for Re-Run Incan Porridge to fuel you on your next jog or marathon at the office cubicle.

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