Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Mennell Of “Alphas” Pushes Vegetarian Foods At Home

Laura Mennell

Laura Mennell plays a conniving human with superpowers she uses to control other people in the Syfy television series Alphas. Mennell’s character Nina Theroux has the ability to push people into doing something for her personal gain. Theroux is so good at her game, people avoid making eye contact in fear of being “pushed.”

Mennel spoke with Vegetarian Times for its July/August 2012 issue and shared what she might have Theroux push other people to get for her during a hungry moment.

“I’ve always been in love with East Indian cooking. I took an East Indian cooking class, andwe made a parsnip-and-eggplant biryani with almond cream sauce to die for.”

“Lately, I’ve been getting into juicing; beets, carrots,and ginger is a favorite combination. I’ve also been growing microgreens in my kitchen. They are really tasty and fresh. It doesn’t take very long to grown them, it’s a lot of fun, and you an just cut them straight from the stem and pop them in your meal anytime.”

With her vibrant good looks and onscreen popularity, Mennell is in a position to push vegetarianism onto people. There’s still no word on if she’s pushed this agenda so hard on someone, it’s left them brain dead. They probably just avoid eye contact to alleviate guilt of eating the double-double burger for lunch.

Photo:  Jane Weitzel/Creative Commons

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