Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Alba Discusses Growing Up Vegetarian

Jessica Alba Discusses Growing Up Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 18th, 2012 in Actresses, Children, Food & Drink.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is proof you are not just a product of a bad eating environment. The actress was interviewed by French magazine Gala, where she revealed she made the decision to start eating healthy and vegetarian amid a family of overweight relatives.

“I was aware at a very young about the importance of eating healthy. I became a vegetarian at 12 until the age of 16. So I was cooking my own meals, different from the rest of the family,” Alba said.

Though Alba isn’t known for following a strict vegetarian diet now, she’s made it clear during media appearances she’s not thinking of putting junk back into her body.

Daughter Honor has been given the honor of enjoying healthy treats like vegan desserts and almond milk.

“All of her pasta is spelt or quinoa,” she told hlifemedia. “It’s been a way to introduce protein in her diet, and she only drinks almond milk that has no sugar in it. And everything is organic.”

Sounds like Honor is ahead of the game and won’t have to worry about learning to cook vegetarian when she reaches adolescence.

Photo: pinguino k/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Jessica Alba Discusses Growing Up Vegetarian”

  1. Jessica Alba Was a Teenage Vegetarian | Ecorazzi Says:

    […] of her pasta is spelt or quinoa,” says Alba. “It’s been a way to introduce protein in her diet, and she only drinks almond milk that has […]