Quantcast Vegetarian StarConan Whips Out Chicago-Style Wiener On Stage (Video)

Conan O’Brien celebrated his big day in Chicago by pulling out his wiener.

The world’s largest Chicago-style hot dog contained the following amounts of condiments:

  • three pounds of pickle spears
  • one pound of sport peppers
  • two pounds of relish
  • four pounds of tomatoes
  • four pounds of onions
  • two pounds of mustard
  • 1/8 lb. of celery salt
  • several pounds of nastiness

You’ve seen the list of what goes into a Chicago-style hot dog. Now take a look at the list of what consuming one regularly does to your body.

  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Increased risk of cancers, including colon and childhood leukemia
  • High sodium content associated with processed meats
  • Nitrates and other preservatives associated with the increased risk of cancer

Conan, big wieners can be sexy, but if the package comes with all those risks, it’s useless to the ladies and it  might as well be limp.

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