Quantcast Vegetarian StarMadonna Requests Only Vegan Snacks On Tour

Madonna Requests Only Vegan Snacks On Tour

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 14th, 2012 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.


Madonna may like things Sticky and Sweet, but only if they’re free of meat and dairy.

The Material Girl’s tour ryder has been made available and In Touch reports she has demanded that only vegan snacks be served backstage.

The singer is performing her series of MDNA shows, which began in May and will end in December.

Madonna has quite a large crew to support her between hummus and cracker breaks. The 200-person entourage for the tour includes 30 bodyguards, personal chefs and a yoga instructor.

If all employees follow her lead and enjoy the vegan snacks, they will truly be compensated with a workplace bonus.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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