Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Bag Giveaway And Leather Facts

Stella McCartney Bag Giveaway And Leather Facts

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 13th, 2012 in Animal Issues, Fashion.


PETA is giving away a Stella McCartney Falabella Cross Body Bag, a value of over $1,000!

The giveaway is meant to raise awareness on the leather industry. Most vegetarians wouldn’t dream of buying fur, but many aren’t aware of the impact shoes, belts and other clothing and accessories containing leather have on animals and the environment.

“If you’re like me, you’ve sworn off fur because you know about the gruesome way animals are killed and die for fashions,” Stella says in a PSA on the leather industry.

“In the U.S., most animals who’s skin is turned into leather suffer extreme crowding and confinement, deprivation, castration, branding, tail-docking and de-horning–all without any pain killers,” she goes on to explain.

“Leather isn’t a byproduct. It is the most important co-product of the meat industry.”

Cruelty-free fashionistas can enter to win this leather-free bag by either sending a text and answering a few simple questions about the leather industry or filling out an online questionnaire. Full contest rules and deadline to enter can be found on PETA’s blog.

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