Quantcast Vegetarian StarAli Landry Used Vegetarian Friendly Chefs Diet Service

Ali Landry

Ali Landry may be the Doritos girl, but she knows when it’s time to get her pre-baby shape back, she needs to reach for something other than carbs in a bag.

Which is why she chose Chefs Diet, a home delivery meal program with several specialized diet options, including diets for diabetics, kids and vegetarians.

Chefs Diet can deliver pre-made, wholesome vegetarian meals to your doorstep for a reasonable price of about $20-$25 a day.

“Chefs Diet was founded on the belief that a diet plan should always be healthy, delicious and convenient,” revealed Misha Podlog, president of Chefs Diet.

“No shopping, no cooking and no more calorie counting,” she added.

Chefs Diet does do vegetarians well. Customers may have a lunch that consists of items like a Veggie-Sandwich on ‘ 7 Grain Bread’ w/ Veggie-Turkey and Avocado Side of Oriental Coleslaw; Mesclun Salad w/ Grilled Veggie Turkey and 2 oz. Honey Miso Vinaigrette; Soy Protein, Kidney Beans Wrapped in spinach crepes with guacamole sauce and carrot slaw; and Shitaki Mushrooms, Soft Tofu, Veggie Ham over Mesclun Greens with a ginger wasabi dressing.

Interested consumers can visit the Chefs Diet website and enter their zip code to see if the program is available in their area.

Photo: gdcgraphics/Creative Commons

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