Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaniel Bryan On Gardening And Asparagus (The Dog)

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan gave an interview to CT.com on his birthday earlier this week. He had a hotel room full of vegan cupcakes but those aren’t the only treats he likes to consume. Bryan has a green thumb and a garden at the home he owns in Washigton state. If only he could live there sometime and actually get to plant what he eats.

Fruits, vegetables, stuff like that,” Bryan said. “I like growing stuff I can eat. To me, that’s a big thing. I own a house in Washington state and I have raspberries, I have a big apple tree, I have strawberries. I don’t get to plant stuff there because I’m never there. I really enjoy that sort of thing.”

Bryan’s also into Asparagus. That’s the dog only his most devoted fans have heard of.

“Well, I would assume that people who know about Asparagus also know that I’m into kickboxing and grappling. I’m a really big reader, and I’m really big into gardening — really old-man-type stuff. But I suppose I am 31 today, so I am getting older.”

More at CT.com.

Photo: shawnsavior/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Daniel Bryan On Gardening And Asparagus (The Dog)”

  1. Patrick Says:

    YES! YES! YES!

    Love Danielson, seems like a great guy,