Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaniel Bryan Fans Buy Into Idea He Doesn’t Eat Steak

Daniel Bryan knows the words vegan and athlete can sound like an oxymoron to some. He knows from experience the V word can get you booed on stage. But he probably didn’t think discussing his diet publicly would lead some to ask, “Is this guy real?”

Bryan talked with IGN on how some big wigs in the wrestling industry, including promoter Vince McMahon doubted anyone would ever believe him.

“And I do it for health reasons, you know,” Bryan said. “Not for entertainment reasons or anything else. So for me it wasn’t even an issue of bringing it up on TV. Other than “Oh, that’s an interesting fact about this guy.” And the idea that you can tell people you’re a vegan and get everyone to go “BOOOO!” is crazy. It’s interesting because the first experience I had with that wasn’t even with the crowd but it was with Vince himself. And Chris Jericho loves telling me this story about how he had gone back to Vince and said “This guy’s good.” It was after the first match I had on TV, and it was against Chris, and he told Vince I was good. “He can get the people behind him,” he said. And Vince said [in Vince voice] “Yeah, but who doesn’t eat steak?” He thought people wouldn’t buy into a guy who didn’t eat steak. And that’s when I kind of realized that there are a lot of people out there who just think it’s completely foreign for me to not eat animals.”

Selling the idea of a vegan wrestler may elicit laughs at first, but it’s a good bet that McMahon and the others are now having nothing but buyer’s remorse.

Photo: Shamsuddin Muhammad/Creative Commons

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