Quantcast Vegetarian StarScott Jurek Writes “Eat And Run” Between Grain Dishes

Eat & Run Scott Jurek

Scott Jurek‘s latest book, Eat and Run, is scheduled for release in June.

The vegan athlete who’s set records in ultra-distance runs like the Western States Endurance Run, a 100-mile course over the old Gold Rush trails of the California Sierra Nevada; the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile path through Death Valley and the 153-mile Spartathlon in Greece.

He accomplished this all on a plant-based diet.

The former meat and potatoes man who grew up in a hunting environment in the Midwest uses Eat and Run to detail his vegan diet and athletic career and includes a few of his favorite recipes that fuel him on the trail.

Jurek has five simple tips for athletes looking to increase their fitness during runs.

According to Jurek, real warriors ate grains and saved their spearheads for the enemy and not animals.

“While some give grains a bad rap, whole grains have been consumed for thousands of years and were used as a calorie source that traveled well for nomadic tribes and warriors going into battle. Quinoa was a staple of the Incas and is technically a seed, not a grain, and has all essential amino acids. Brown rice is another option.”

Read Jurek’s other four tips at The Post Game.

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