Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Promotes Vegan At New York’s Green Festival

Russell Simmons

This past weekend, New York city celebrated its first ever Green Festival.

The event attracted over 25,000 environmentalists and featured vendors promoting eco-friendly products like reusable bottles and fair-traded food.

Several speakers known for their activism were present, including hip-hop businessman and reality TV star Russell Simmons.

Simmons, a longtime vegan, reminded attendees that caring for the earth doesn’t have to involve hours of sorting recyclables or investing thousands of dollars in solar panels. Much can be done by simply choosing what to pick up with one’s fork.

Simmons told the Huffington Post that people can use vegetarianism to live “less toxic lifestyles.”

According to Meat Free Mondays, a UK site promoting vegetarianism to reduce meat’s impact on the environment, The UK’s Food Climate Research Network suggests that food production from farm to fork is responsible for between 20-30 percent of global green house gas emissions and livestock production is responsible for about half of that production.

Photo: Brett Weinstein/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Russell Simmons Promotes Vegan At New York’s Green Festival”

  1. PierreFathy Says:

    Human beings internally are meat eaters per evolution. Being Vegan is good but its i dont think we can change people which is in the genes ?? How to counter that internal urge?