Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Dictator” Brings Cohen And Faris Together Over Organics (Video)


What do you get when you combine Borat‘s Sasha Baron Cohen as a Middle Eastern dictator with a vegan, co-op grocery store owner?

One would hope a completely organic produce section where anything genetically modified would be zapped by super military powers.

But in the case of a new film titled The Dictator, you only get actress Anna Faris as the “ultra-liberal vegan grocery store owner who inadvertently rescues a Saddam Hussein-esque tyrant”

Plus, a few good jokes about educated women looking like monkeys on roller skates.

Watch a clip below to see how disappointed Cohen’s character is to learn to organic store doesn’t sell any assault rifles.

“I play a young woman in Brooklyn, who runs a vegan, organic co-op grocery store,” Faris told The Daily Aztec. “She’s very political and passionate, very liberal, as you can imagine. So I just think that we just sort of share a lot of views in general.”

Given Cohen’s track record with films, this one’s guaranteed to be funny. And offensive. And if the vegan lifestyle gets promoted in one or two minutes of the flick, it’s probably worth paying at least the matinee price.

The official trailer is below.

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