Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Daniel Bryan Says Everything’s Bigger And Better Meatless

“My health is so much better. I’m bigger now than I was eating meat. My lifts in the gym are better. I’m in better shape. A lot of people thought you couldn’t be a top-level athlete as a vegan, but people like Mac Danzig and Jake Shields are proving that’s wrong. And it’s better for me as a performer.”

Daniel Bryan, WWE athlete who’s (as you can see from his statement) got plenty of company in the crowd of vegetarian/vegan wrestlers. Bryan says he eats “a lot of Asian food — brown rice and vegetables, salad and protein shakes,” but he does allow himself the occasional vegan cupcake. We assume it has good things like chocolate and vanilla on it, versus brown rice and vegetables frosting.

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