Anthony Bourdain Vegetarian Hate Speech With Playboy
Written by Vegetarian Star on October 17th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.
Anthony Bourdain has picked Playboy magazine to sound off his latest complaints about vegetarians and vegans.
Well, at least he’s still on our side when it comes to mass-produced food and factory farms.
He’s got choice words for both groups in between his love for sheep testicles, seal eyes and In-N-Out burgers.
On Vegetarians:
They make for bad travelers and bad guests. The notion that before you even set out to go to Thailand, you say, “I’m not interested,” or you’re unwilling to try things that people take so personally and are so proud of and so generous with, I don’t understand that, and I think it’s rude. You’re at Grandma’s house, you eat what Grandma serves you
On Vegan:
I don’t have any understanding of it. Being a vegan is a first-world phenomenon, completely self-indulgent.
On Foie Gras:
I’ll say this on foie gras: I don’t know any chef who would buy the kind of foie gras that is produced the way they show in those PETA films. No restaurant I know of would buy the product of a stressed-out, terrified, abused goose or duck. That equals bad foie gras. But it’s a straw-man issue to start with, because every duck and goose raised for foie gras in this country, at least that I know of, lives a far more luxurious, happier, better life than any chicken ever killed for the Colonel or Popeye’s, as the PETA people well know. They’re picking on foie gras because it’s French, it’s expensive, most people haven’t had it and it looks ugly in the scary films they show. It’s a French thing, and you know those French.…
More veggie hate speech at Playboy.
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October 20th, 2011 at 12:58 pm
Mr. Bourdain’s hate speech is shocking and incredibly ignorant.
Is it self indulgent to not want to kill animals for a meal?
Is it self indulgent to not want to cause pain or suffering?
Also, by insulting vegetarians for not eating meat in another country, would he have Jewish people that are Kosher eat pig, and go against everything they believe in just to sample everything a country has to offer?
Does the word ‘gluttony’ mean anything to this callous man?
October 29th, 2011 at 6:47 pm
This man want’s human stomachs to be animal cemeteries.
October 30th, 2011 at 6:51 am
I am vegan but I think Mr. Bourdain raises some valid points. I do not eat meat or dairy in other countries but I do go out of my way to be courteous and respectful of my hosts. It is also true that there is a certain first-world advantage when it comes to choosing to be vegan. In some countries, people are happy to have anything at all to eat.
In brief, I most definitely do not condone cruelty in any form to either animals or humans. I do favor respect toward all creatures, including those whose values differ from mine. We’re all on a path and we all do some things right and some things wrong on the way to “becoming” something better.
October 31st, 2011 at 10:24 pm
LOATHE him. He’ll die of a coronary before he’s 70 though, so who cares.
November 18th, 2011 at 6:47 pm
As a carnivore that stumbled onto this site, I’ll be very honest. Mr.Bourdain is quite right.
David, Anthony did not said anything about the self-indulgence being about your opposition to killing animals or pain and suffering. Veganism is, for the most part, a first world phenomenon because we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from, or whether or not there will be something we can afford that will sustain our family at the market. We have the luxury of choice and wealth. But when your option is to kill a water buffalo to feed a community or bleed out cattle for their blood, or to go hungry, the choice is obvious.
Also, Judiasm has nothing to do with veganism. And I’m sure he wouldn’t force feed a Kosher Jew to eat pork, that’s absurd. He is simply making a point that turning down food that is served to you is very rude in some cultures and, in my opinion, gives the US a bad rap.
I think the meat eaters of the less developed world would be very offended to hear you call them gluttons.
June 6th, 2012 at 2:30 am
well as true as that may be, i feel that if people do have a choice to decide what they eat then they have that liberty, and they should not be criticized for choosing to be a vegan or vegetarian. i dont understand what the big problem or offense people have with that, if someone chooses to eat plants all day long then hey thats their choice, i dont see why meat eaters make such a big deal that people nowadays or people with the privilege and knowledge decide to eat non-meat products. and as for other countries, everyone has their own beliefs, whether religion or just personal, and if someone deeply believes in not eating a certain meal/food for whatever reason, that should be respected and should not be considered necessarily rude.
September 23rd, 2012 at 11:41 am
I understand that some people think it is cruel to kill animals, so as to consume them. If you want people to respect your belief system, try understanding theirs, after all people have been omnivores for thousands of years. Perhaps it is you, the vegan, the vegetarian that is intolerant of any other line of thought that does not fall into “Goose Step” with your own.
Peace and a hearty foie Gras to all.
February 3rd, 2013 at 4:40 pm
First of all, meat is very expensive in many parts of the world and hunting food is not realistic for many in these large populations. That is why so many of them use meat sparingly. When Anthony Bourdain travels to those places, they treat him to the best because he is a guest. It doesnt mean that these people can afford to slaughter an animal or have resources to support such activity all the time. Americans have been spoiled on government subsidized meat and do not understand the real cost of meat. It is in no way cheaper or more available.
July 1st, 2014 at 2:14 am
Imagine everyone as vegeterians in the world now, we dont need to worry where our food comes from, end of pain and suffering, and we are able to accept whatever the host give us. everything is halal for malays. ends world hunger problems. everything just becomes better.
now imagine everyone as meat eaters in the world. malays dont eat pigs , rude to not accept what the host gives. lots of pain and suffering, more darkness in this world. world hunger problem happens, more kids dying of hunger. increases and encourages manually reproducing animals through injections. deforestation for spaces for animal space and crops space. two times more space required. most importantly . global warming
so dont just stay a meat eater just because you like to eat meat. dont be a selfish idiot