Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Chelsea Clinton On Dad’s Lifestyle Changes

Chelsea Clinton

“After his heart surgery he became much more diligent about taking long walks and going to the gym and going on hikes with my mom and their dog…. Starting a couple years ago, he really made a commitment to and a concerted effort to eat healthier. I am profoundly grateful that my dad makes different choices now. Selfishly, now I hope he lives forever. I am sure every child feels that way.”

Chelsea Clinton, during an interview she gave after visiting an elementary school that is working to combat childhood obesity through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The organization was founded shortly after her father’s surgery as a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation. Following a vegan diet may be the best way to make his daughter proud. Chelsea has been a vegetarian since she moved into the White House with dad.

Photo: PR Photos

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