Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Simpson Complains About Vegan Wedding Cake

Jessica Simpson Complains About Vegan Wedding Cake

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2011 in Actresses, Couples, Food & Drink.

Jessica Simpson

Sigh. Celebrities. Always playing diva about something.

Jessica Simpson has been acting like a bridezilla, according to The Bosh.

The actress and singer has been arguing with her fiancee over wedding plans, including his idea to have a completely vegan menu.

“She’s also argued with him about his desire to serve only vegan food, including a vegan wedding cake.”

“She knows she’s being a real-life ‘Bridezilla,’ but can’t help herself.”

There are dozens of important issues to debate with a future partner like the color of your bath towels, boxers vs. briefs and soft vs. rough toilet paper. But there’s absolutely no need whatsoever to fear a bad tasting vegan wedding cake.

There are dozens of bakers across the country who can ensure a blissful wedding experience without egg, butter, milk or any other animal product.

A directory of vegan bakers who specialize in vegan wedding cakes can be found at Vegetarian.About.com.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Jessica Simpson Complains About Vegan Wedding Cake”

  1. herwin Says:

    dump her ! dump her ! ruuuuuuuuuunnnnnn !!!!!!