Quantcast Vegetarian StarJillian Michaels Joins Group To Slash Budget That Promotes Unhealthy Eating

Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels would like to put America’s budget on a diet.

The former Biggest Loser coach has joined the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine in an attempt to convince Congress to reduce funds that help subsidize less healthy food and the producers of those products.

In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Michaels wrote, “Cutting subsidies for unhealthful foods would trim the nation’s budget—and Americans’ waistlines.”

“Some of our government’s current policies and programs actually promote obesity and other diseases by supporting the production and consumption of the very foods that contribute to… health problems.”

The proposed plan would save American taxpayers 380 billion over 10 years and could alleviate some of the major diseases that are linked to poor diet like diabetes and heart failure.

In a report titled, “Cutting Costs and Improving Health: Federal Food Policy Reforms Could Save Billions,” the PCRM outlines evidence that favors swapping animal products from the food system for plant-based ones.

Federal nutrition guidance emphasizes healthful vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. However, federal direct and indirect subsidies have favored meat, dairy products, and sugar, despite the fact that abundant scientific evidence shows that increasing consumption of animal products is associated with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and certain forms of cancer, among other health problems.

“Cutting subsidies for cheeseburgers and sodas will mean healthier people and a huge savings in the process,” says PCRM president and nutrition researcher Neal Barnard, M.D.

Photo: PR Photos

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