Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Giada de Laurentiis White Bean Dip With Pita Chips

Giada de Laurentiis

When most of us think of bean dip, we usually think of pinto beans. But when Food Network’s Giada de Laurentiis makes bean dip, she uses an Italian kidney bean called cannellini.

These beans are whipped into a puree in the food processor to resemble thick mashed potatoes and then seasoned with salt and pepper.

Pita chips are the recommended item to scoop up this white bean dip, but feel free to use fresh veggies or another type of bread.

When you’re not consuming them as a dip, cannellini beans are also a good choice for fresh salads and soups.

This recipe was featured on Giada’s Everyday Italian show on the episode, “Dinner and a Movie.”

Grab the recipe for White Bean Dip with Pita Chips.

Photo: PR Photos

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