Quantcast Vegetarian StarLevi Leipheimer Races Tour de France On Vegetarian Diet (Video)

Levi Leipheimer

Is it us or has Tour de France been invaded by vegetarians this year?

Levi Leipheimer is racing proud in this year’s race on a veg diet. He’s also been active in several animal welfare campaigns, including hosting a fundraising cycling event for The Humane Society’s Forget Me Not Farm program which helps at-risk adolescents bond with animals.

When PETA2 asked Levi what one dish he recommended cycling athletes eat, he responded, “Every day when I head out on my bike, I’m fueled by an energy-packed vegetarian breakfast of oatmeal, apples, blueberries, strawberries, and nuts. I’ve done this for years. My favorite post-ride meal is pasta with lots of garlic and sunflower seeds or pine nuts.”

Levi joins other veg-friendly cyclists like David Zabriskie and Alberto Contador.

Below is a video of Levi at his home interacting with several members of his rescue dog family.


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