Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Self Magazine” Names Least Nutritious Veggies

Self Magazine

Not all vegetables are tastefully equal. Nobody will admit to liking an iceberg lettuce salad over arugula and walnuts, but it’s also important to remember you won’t get as much Vitamin A from it.

Self magazine has named the three least nutrient dense veggies. None of the vegetables are completely without nutritional value, but Self recommends swapping some of the lower nutrient dense veggies like celery and iceberg lettuce for plants that pack more goodness like carrots and romaine lettuce.

Besides going for veggies with more Vitamins, fiber and minerals, it’s also a good idea put a mixture of foods on your plate.

Ann Yelmokas McDermott, Ph.D., M.S., L.N., of the Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University told CNN, “Strive to include four colors on your plate each time you eat. When you go to a salad bar, don’t just have a big plate of greens; add the yellow and orange (peppers and carrots), the red (dried cranberries, beets, or red cabbage), and the beige and white (cauliflower and sunflower seeds).”

Learn what other vegetables Self says are the least nutrient dense.

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