Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlberto Contador Still Clean Of Meat After Beef Drug Sent Him To Rehab

Alberto Contador

After a controversy over doping, three-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador has decided it’s just not worth it to have a steak here and there.

The newly vegetarian cyclist tested positive for a banned drug that is used in the livestock industry to accelerate growth in cattle. He blamed it on tainted meat he and his teammates ate while on the road and was later cleared of charges.

Contador had consumed the meat in Spain, where there have been several documented outbreaks of sickness due to eating meat containing Clenbuterol. When humans eat the liver or other parts of the animal who consumed the drug, symptoms ranging from headache, nausea and fever to heart and lung problems may surface.

Contador claims he has not eaten meat since learning during the 2010 Tour de France about the possibility that tainted meat caused him to test positive for the banned substance.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Alberto Contador Still Clean Of Meat After Beef Drug Sent Him To Rehab”

  1. herwin Says:

    Wow, amazing, meat so full of hormones that it wwould disqualify yoy from doing sports !
    Urm, he only ditched the meat ? In that case he aint veg, right ? I mean, fish are cute too..