Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Oddities” Stars Evan Michelson Mike Zohn Discuss Best NYC Vegetarian Food

obscura "Antiques & Oddities"

Evan Michelson and Mike Zohn are the stars of the Science Channel’s Oddities, a show about their everyday lives running Obscura Antiques and Oddities, a shop carrying, according to This Dish Is Veg, everything from “exploding skulls to embalming equipment to dolls made with belly button lint.”

Michelson and Zohn are both vegetarians, so thank goodness they aren’t eating some of those weird items with skulls, but they did reveal to This Dish Is Veg the oddities of their diets, which include plenty of good food from New York City’s vegetarian restaurants.

Michelson: There are so many great vegan/vegetarian restaurants in New York. Angelica Kitchen is just around the corner, and they’ve been near the top of the list for a long, long time. I live in New Jersey, where it’s a bit more difficult to get great vegetarian food. There’s a place called Veggie Heaven in Denville (they have a few other locations as well) that is positively addictive.

Zohn: I really like Hangawi, the Korean vegetarian restaurant. I also like Downtown Bakery, which is a Mexican restaurant with a lot of veggie options. Also I love Punjabi….it’s on Houston St, right across from Katz Deli…..it’s an Sikh all vegetarian take out place…its open 24 hours and always has tons of cab drivers in it. You can eat there, but the place is tiny. They usually have 4 or 5 dishes, and you order by the number that is about the dish. Super cheap too…and really good food.

Both Michelson and Zohn have been veg for about two decades.

More at This Dish Is Veg.

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