Quantcast Vegetarian StarCurtis Stone Gives “Shape Magazine” Farmers Market Tips

Curtis Stone Gives “Shape Magazine” Farmers Market Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 10th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Curtis Stone

Curtis Stone is an advocate of using fresh, local ingredients and recently shared with Shape Magazine his tips for making the most use out of your local farmers market.

The Top Chef star said, “everyone can make the effort to find a good [farmers] market,” and with online resources like LocalHarvest, which point you in the exact direction of the closest market near you, there’s really no excuse not to opt for fresh green beans that traveled only a few miles away.

Although you might think of the refridgerator as the best place to keep food from going bad, that’s not always the case with fruits and veggies.

“Do Not Refridgerate” is one of Stone’s tips, as he says fruits and vegetables like tomatoes taste better at room temperature. Thinking about the arrangement of produce in the grocery store, that makes a lot of sense. Most items, like berries, onions, avocados, tomatoes, etc., are displayed on stands in the middle of the produce section.

Vegetarian Times has a handy guide for which produce to chill and not chill. Apples, apricots, canteloupe, figs and honeydew are the few items that should be kept in the fridge.

More farmers market tips from Stone can be found at Shape.

Photo: PR Photos

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