Quantcast Vegetarian StarHannah Teter Wears Recycled Burton Clothing

Hannah Teter

Just because Hannah Teter is often seen buddled up with cold weather gear, her face partially masked with snow goggles, doesn’t mean she doesn’t like snowboarding in style!

The vegetarian Olympic medalist who’s calling herself “pretty much vegan” these days told People she’s often in charge of helping the clothing company she rides for, Burton, decide what’s in and what’s out for snow athletes.

Teter is proud to stand behind a company that makes eco-friendly clothing, using recycled materials whenever possible.

“I really love the Green Mountain Project line, which is their line of recycled fabrics and organics,” Teter said. “They’ve been doing it for a couple years now, and I usually wear it when I compete. It’s nice to be a part of that.”

Burton’s Green Mountain Project line features jackets lined with a combination of recycled PET and synthetic polyester materials with linings that are 100% recycled PET.

The company is mostly trying to appeal to the snowboarder crowd, but it does offer casual shirts, luggages and a children’s line.

Photo: PR Photos

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