Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Goodnight Burbank” Says Hasta La Vista Plastic Bags (Video)

Goodnight Burbank is a web series that debuted in April and contains more potentially offensive stereotypes than we’d rather mention.

During one of its most recent episodes, the show featured an animal rights activist who took the fictional 10:00 PM newscast crew hostage and demanded they let her have a few minutes to read her demands about what animal lovers wanted.

The show gets better when a segment announces Arnold Schwarzenegger has made the city more eco-friendly by saying, “Plastic La Vista,” and banning plastic bags.

While we don’t need any activists taking people hostage, the idea of a plastic bag ban doesn’t seem that wacky, especially considering how many cities have already “Terminated” the less environmentally friendly component to re-usable ones.

  • In the U.S., such bans have been passed in San Francisco, North Carolina and Portland.
  • In 2007, the town of Modbury was the first in England to ban plastic bags.
  • Ditto for Mexico City, Sydney’s Oyster Bay in Australia and several Indian cities.
  • And Rwanda has banned the bags from the entire country for years.

Banning plastic bags means less waste in landfills and less material that can take hundreds of years to break down filling up the earth. It also means less harm to wildlife, as some animals, like sea turtles, are in danger when they mistake them for edible food and eat them. To learn more about cities saying Hasta La Vista to plastic, visit Planet Green.

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